Office of the President

Office of the President


Our university thrives on the strength of its community, and I am proud to lead a dedicated, driven, 以及对高等教育和学生成功充满热情的不同群体. 我们相信合作的力量和我们社区中每一个声音的重要性. Your engagement, questions, 贡献不仅是受欢迎的,而且在我们共同努力塑造亚洲博彩平台的未来时至关重要.

我鼓励大家在社交媒体上与我联系,欢迎大家提出问题, concerns and ideas to my attention by sending a message to


Messages from the President
Presidential Perspectives — April 2024

Presidential Perspectives — April 2024

Hello, Panthers!

你能相信我们已经接近学年结束了吗? And what a great year it has been as we’ve celebrated Florida Tech’s 65th 周年纪念,回顾我们骄傲的过去和光明的未来——但我们还没有结束!

4月19日,一年一度的诺斯罗普·格鲁曼工程与科学学生设计展示会在亚洲博彩平台举行,我们刚刚结束了另一个成功的标志性事件. What a day that was! From the cosmic to the practical, from rovers that can fly to methods for improving surgery, 在120个顶级项目中,所有项目都将由当地行业领袖进行评判. 这只是亚洲博彩平台教育为学生一生的职业成功做准备的另一种方式.

As I reflect on my first year as your President, I’m so impressed by the energy, enthusiasm, and teamwork I’ve encountered from students to faculty, staff, and alumni. That spirit, combined with bold strategic planning and hard work, means next academic year will bring even more opportunity for success.

今年另一个值得期待的里程碑事件是春季毕业典礼, set for Saturday, May 4 in the Clemente Center. 我们将在三场典礼上颁发学位,并荣幸地邀请到两届亚洲博彩平台校友、前宇航员琼·希金波坦作为我们的主题演讲嘉宾. If you don’t have tickets, plan to tune into the Webcast. It’s going to be a fantastic day!

请接受我最美好的祝愿,祝你度过一个美好的夏天, and whatever you do, Florida Tech is your university and is here for you.

We’ll talk again soon—until then…Go Panthers!


John Nicklow, Ph.D.

Presidential Perspectives — March 2024

Presidential Perspectives — March 2024

Hello, Panthers!

亚洲博彩平台的春天来了,这是一个美好的校园时光! 对于亚洲博彩平台的田径运动员来说,这是一个历史性的赛季,男子和女子足球项目都参加了2023年NCAA锦标赛四强赛, both coaching staffs were named the Regional Staffs of the Year, and we earned the department’s first-ever National Player of the Year.

这只是我们所有勤奋的亚洲博彩平台运动员可能取得的成功水平的一个缩影. 亚洲博彩平台是NCAA D2中44所学术成功率达到90%或更高的学校之一, 在2022年结束的6年队列中,我们的数字为92%. 这是自2010年以来,我们的体育项目的注册率首次超过90%.

Meanwhile, 阳光州会议最近公布了秋季专员荣誉名单, 69名亚洲博彩平台亚洲博彩平台运动员在课堂上的出色表现得到了认可. Of those, 23 earned a perfect 4.00 grade point average last semester.

大学体育运动是大学经历的重要组成部分,我们很自豪能在亚洲博彩平台推广体育运动. 这就是为什么你会看到体育运动是我们“共同前进”的重要支持部分, Boundless Potential” strategic plan.

无论我们的亚洲博彩平台运动员在毕业后在他们的职业生涯中取得进展, 他们在亚洲博彩平台的球场上有一个很好的发射台. We applaud their success.

We’ll talk again soon—until then…Go Panthers!


John Nicklow, Ph.D.

Presidential Perspectives — February 2024

Presidential Perspectives — February 2024

Hello, Panthers!

I hope everyone is having an awesome 2024 so far!

贵校最好的事情之一是我们的教师进行了有见地的研究, often with our students working and learning right alongside them. 在默滕斯海洋中心可以看到一个很好的例子,亚洲博彩平台正在进行研究投资,旨在帮助我们更好地了解和驾驭我们的世界. 这个重要的设施为探索印度河泻湖和其他地方提供了重要的实验室和学习空间, 为140名本科生和50名海洋工程研究生提供服务, oceanography, environmental science, marine biology and sustainability.

University-wide, our total research expenditures two years ago were $14.9 million, and last year, rose to $15.7 million. We’ve had some growth, 但是,当我们意识到我们的一些同行每年的收入从5200万美元到1.8亿美元不等时,我们有很大的潜力可以做得更好.

Our new strategic plan, “Forward Together, Boundless Potential,” includes research as an integral element. As we prioritize “Programs Driven by Innovation,“我们将扩大和多样化外部资助的研究,成为一个强大的R2研究机构,为所有学生提供进行有影响力和创新研究的机会, 到2040年,亚洲博彩平台将进一步进入R1考虑范围. 

Once our new Provost is on the ground in May, one of my priorities is to build out our Office of Sponsored Research. 我的目标是在确定研究机会和准备提案和预算方面为教师提供更大的支持. 这是我们增加赠款和合同支出计划的基础.

There’s much work to be done—and we will get it done, together. 一如既往地感谢你们的合作和团队合作,因为我们推进了这所令人难以置信的大学为学生服务的使命.

We’ll talk again soon—until then…Go Panthers!


John Nicklow, Ph.D.

Presidential Perspectives — January 2024

Presidential Perspectives — January 2024

Hello, Panthers!


Does it get any better than this? While much of the rest of the country is bundling up to stay warm, we’re basking in beautiful Space Coast sunshine. Nowhere on campus is that better enjoyed than in the pristine Joy & Gordon Patterson Botanical Garden. 如果你最近没有在花园散步,我鼓励你在可以的时候去看看. I might move my office out here!

Meanwhile it’s going to be a busy rest of the month. 我希望你能和我们一起参加1月10日星期五的总统授职仪式. 26, at 3:30 p.m. in the Clemente Center. 它对所有人开放,这将是一场精彩的活动,我们将花时间一起庆祝这所伟大的大学,并反思我们的65年th anniversary. If you haven’t reserved your spot, log on to and register. 如果你不能参加我们的校园活动,请收看直播,你可以从 Florida Tech homepage.

As we honor the past, our eyes are firmly focused on the future. In the coming days we’ll be sharing details on our new strategic plan. 该计划以亚洲博彩平台的独特身份为基础,重点关注成功的四个关键支柱,为我们共同的未来设定了方向. To help achieve our vision, 每个支柱都确定了雄心勃勃的目标,以指导亚洲博彩平台及其成员的行动 Forward Together with Boundless Potential. The goals presented promote a sense of excellence, innovation, and transformation throughout the university, so stay tuned for full details.

I encourage you to remain engaged and be ready for what’s next. 我预测这将是一段有价值的旅程——首先也是最重要的是因为我们将一起踏上这段旅程.

Let’s talk again soon—until then…Go Panthers!


John Nicklow, Ph.D.

Past Messages from President Nicklow